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I regularly do healings on my cat Max. He is a boy that came to me in his prime with a fear of brooms, rakes and going in the car. With love, trust and healings he is mostly relaxed and chilled about all of these now. Of course there is a conversation leading up to any trip in the car about why we are going and what's going to happen.


My 9 month old puppy, Winnie, has grown up with Hahnemann Healing, and she has received it whenever there is an anxiety, such as loud noises while we are out walking. So, she now lives her life with healing in progress.


Like with humans, animal healing is about building trust. The consultation time is shorter than healings for humans and includes a discussion with your fur/feathered baby and you. Together we can work together to heal your furry loved one. 


Appointments available at your home, Frankston or Mornington.



Animal Healing
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